Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Caden's  teacher was meant to be a pre-school teacher more than anyone I have ever met.  She has the cutest, clever ideas and of course just loves the kids.  One of her things is backpack buddies...there are two.  Leo is a backpack buddy - he's a lion backpack with a book, journal, and another stuffed lion inside.  Caden loved Leo...He was so excited when he got to take Leo home over the weekend.  We took Leo everywhere with us!  He went out to eat with us, he went to sleep with us, he went to our soccer game, you get the point.  At the end of the weekend, we have to write in the journal about what we did with Leo and usually the parents take a picture and put it in the journal as well.  This was our picture with Leo.  The look on Caden's face just captures his feelings about Leo perfectly.

From iph 11413
When Monday came around, the look on his face was not so happy...

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