Daddy was in Omaha for some meetings and the College World Series for 5 days. He got back late Saturday night...and since it was Father's Day, we let him sleep in for a little while. So, he didn't see the Caden baby until he got up from his morning nap. He went to go get him out of his crib and then they came back and laid on the couch together...and just laid...
Scott just rubbed his back and Caden didn't move a muscle! He missed his daddy...
Now a few pics...Do you think we are teething at all?
Then here's a picture of our fussy baby...furthering the belief that somebody has to be getting some teeth soon! He still just has four, so I'm thinking there should be some new ones any day now...
He's been so smiley lately (I think we are moving out of the fussy stage thank goodness!)'s a picture of his new smile that he does so that he can show all of his teeth...
He is also doing the cutest thing now...he loves books (I know my mom loves this...finally someone in her family that is showing some interest in reading!). He sits down with a book, opens it, and starts making all of these goo-goo, gaa-gaa noises and I figured it out one day that he thinks he is reading the book! I'm trying to get a video of it, but he stops everytime he sees the camera. And still working on the whole walking thing...taking about 10 steps before falling!